
Published on:

18th Jan 2021

Animal Sex Part 2: The Revenge Of The Tongue Eating Louse

It's time to go boom boom and make a zoom zoom (I'm not sure what that means), and get down once again with the wild weird world of animal sex. There's so many ways to get it on in the animal world. From snakes that form a mating ball to kangaroos with multiple vaginas, and don't even get me started on the insect sex...this episode is a banger, literally.

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About the Podcast

Dude! Nature
The longest running (and most popular) science podcast for those of us who got kicked out of class for throwing pencils at the ceiling. Adam and Noah are skeptical twin brothers whose separate journeys through professional science and engineering led them to a ridiculous notion: that reality is strange and barely understood. Unfortunately they just didn't have the attention span to listen to any science podcasts without wanting to gouge their eyes out with a spoon.

If you've ever wanted to listen to more podcasts about cosmic quandaries, evolutionary mysteries, and giant creatures living underneath the ice of rogue planets but just can't stand academic rambling delivered with a nasally voice, then this podcast is for you.