
Published on:

31st Jan 2022


The current form of chess arose in the 15th century after evolving from a similar game of Indian origin, today chess is one of the worlds most popular games played by millions of people worldwide. Chess has been studied by computer scientists for artificial intelligence research by creating The Deep Blue program to battle against grand masters, it's been adapted into movie and Netflix shows both fictional and real, and founded educational programs for impoverished students in inner city New York. Today we take a look at how chess permeates the culture at large and we celebrate this amazing game that humans have played for a long long time.

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About the Podcast

Dude! Nature
The longest running (and most popular) science podcast for those of us who got kicked out of class for throwing pencils at the ceiling. Adam and Noah are skeptical twin brothers whose separate journeys through professional science and engineering led them to a ridiculous notion: that reality is strange and barely understood. Unfortunately they just didn't have the attention span to listen to any science podcasts without wanting to gouge their eyes out with a spoon.

If you've ever wanted to listen to more podcasts about cosmic quandaries, evolutionary mysteries, and giant creatures living underneath the ice of rogue planets but just can't stand academic rambling delivered with a nasally voice, then this podcast is for you.