
Published on:

27th Dec 2021

Animal Sex Part 4: Oceans

Sea slug hermaphrodite life, hooded seal’s giant hood, bower bird’s dance, porcupine’s pee pee ritual...Sex. Mating. Reproduction, these are all vital things for the survival of humans and of course for survival of the rest of the animal kingdom. But don’t be mistaken, animals that have sex for pleasure is very much the exception. Most have brutal, competitive rituals that are extremely dangerous for the female and death for the males through intense competition. As we’ll see, there are so many different ways to get it on. From kangaroos that have three vaginas to giraffes that taste their partners pee to see if she is in heat…making babies in nature can be complicated, horrifying, and romantic all in the same moment, just like an Orangutans barbed penis.

Monterey Bay Aquarium: https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/

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Dude! Nature
The longest running (and most popular) science podcast for those of us who got kicked out of class for throwing pencils at the ceiling. Adam and Noah are skeptical twin brothers whose separate journeys through professional science and engineering led them to a ridiculous notion: that reality is strange and barely understood. Unfortunately they just didn't have the attention span to listen to any science podcasts without wanting to gouge their eyes out with a spoon.

If you've ever wanted to listen to more podcasts about cosmic quandaries, evolutionary mysteries, and giant creatures living underneath the ice of rogue planets but just can't stand academic rambling delivered with a nasally voice, then this podcast is for you.